SQLab Vision¢â Àº ¾ÖÇø®ÄÉÀÌ¼Ç Æ©´×ÀÇ »õ·Î¿î ½Ã´ë¸¦ ¿©´Â ¼Ö·ç¼ÇÀ¸·Î, ÀÛÀ§ÀûÀÌÁö ¾ÊÀº ¼öÁý ±â¼ú°ú ¿µÇ⠺м® ±â´É ¹× Àü¹®°¡ÀÇ Æ©´× ¾îµå¹ÙÀ̽º¸¦ Oracle Æ©´× ȯ°æ°ú °áÇÕÇÏ¿© SQLab Xpert¸¦ °¡Àå ¹ßÀüµÈ Æ©´× ¼Ö·ç¼ÇÀ¸·Î °¡´ÉÇÏ°Ô ÇÕ´Ï´Ù.
SQLab VisionÀº sub-second °£°ÝÀ¸·Î Oracle µ¥ÀÌÅͺ£À̽º¿Í host operating system¿¡¼­ SQL statement¿Í performance indicator¸¦ ¼öÁýÇϱâ À§ÇÑ Äù½ºÆ®ÀÇ »õ·Î¿î StealthCollect¢â ±â¼úÀ» Ư¡À¸·Î ÇÕ´Ï´Ù. SQLab VisionÀº target database»ó¿¡´Â º°µµÀÇ ºÎÇÏ ¾øÀÌ host system¿¡¸¸ ÃÖ¼ÒÇÑÀÇ ºÎÇϸ¦ Áָ鼭 µ¥ÀÌÅ͸¦ ¼öÁýÇÕ´Ï´Ù. StealthCollect´Â 1³â 365ÀÏ »ó½Ã ÀÛµ¿ÇÏ¿© ¹®Á¦Á¤ÀÇ ¹× ÇØ°á »Ó ¸¸ ¾Æ´Ï¶ó management timeÀ̳ª active maintenance ¿ä±¸ ¾øÀÌ ÀÚµ¿À¸·Î ÆÛÆ÷¸Õ½º Á¤º¸¸¦ ¼öÁýÇÕ´Ï´Ù.
Captures all SQL statements and performance metrics non-intrusively at sub- second intervals, with no overhead to Oracle
Identifies the root of most performance problems by detecting offensive SQL statements
Provides immediate troubleshooting in real time, even when Oracle is overloaded or not responding
Eliminates performance slowdowns caused by incompatibilities between application code and database structures
Supports SQL tuning by both developers and DBAs with easy-to-understand explain plans,flowcharts, pie charts and graphs
Automatically rewrites SQL and selects the best alternative to maximize performance
Offers expert tuning advice developed by Quest Software's world-renowned Oracle experts
Demonstrates the impact of adding an index throughout the application